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Switch between multiple Flutter versions using fvm in win

1. install fvm

  • Configuring the Dart Environment
  • mac You need to download and install it in your market
  • Installation completion input dart --version Check for successful installation (administrator permissions required)
  • Download FVM input command
dart pub global activate fvm
  • After the completion of the following picture
  • 创建项目
  • Configure fvm environment variables (that is, where to configure FVM downloads)
  • 创建项目
  • Configure fvm to download flutter address, do not download to drive C
  • In cmd, type fvm config --cache-path xxxx where Flutter is downloaded from your computer
  • After the installation is complete, run fvm install xxxx to specify the version
  • How do I view the fvm releases command to download the version you need
  • How to switch the version of the fvm use xxxx command PS You need to note that you must run this command in the project directory and have administrator rights otherwise an error will be reported
  • Then go to your vscode and execute flutter run and you will see the version you switched
